Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What did I get myself into?!

Okay so I made it to Ireland. The emotions I had arriving are honestly indescribable.. After the bus ride to our apartment we then took a tour of our new town. I felt like everything was kind of just thrown at me and then I was just let go to adventure out on my own ( very scary). I have learned one thing though the Irish are very laid-back and are helpful people and give directions very well :) I had to ask a lot of people several questions lol...

Culture shock and home sickness is already here! I remember sitting back at home before my departure thinking of how my life would be here.. example going to pubs and just having a wonderful time. That has not been the case. Yesterday I felt completely out of my element and had many emotional break downs. I have noticed how much I take for granted back in the states such as my cell phone. Since I have been here my world kind of focuses on finding Internet so I could come in contact with my mom and let her know I was okay.  I wasn't sure what to do beside try to relax myself and tell me I did this for the right reasons and my time here will get better.

Today on the other hand was much better I had my orientation at my school and got my schedule or "time table" as the Irish say. I am very pleased that I will only have classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays so I will get long weekends to experience hopefully everything I want to. I am happy to say I haven't cry today or felt like I wanted to come home so I guess things are starting to look better. The weather is chilly kind of like our late October feeling weather and it didn't rain today..YAY! Going shopping today I noticed how expensive things are here compared to the states. Most of the things are the same but there are some things I have no idea what they are lol. But I will learn to become familiar with such things hopefully.

I know things are going to be bad before they can get better but I pray that the worst is done and over with! I miss my loved ones back home but I know they are supporting me and will be ready for all my stories when I return. So again keeping my head held high!

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